Help:Managerial list of application experts

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 FieldAE FTEAE financingGeneral activities
Anders Hast (UPPMAX)Visualisation, Digital Humanities30UPPMAXSoftware and usability for projects in digital humanities
Anders Sjölander (UPPMAX)Bioinformatics100UPPMAXBioinformatics support and training, job efficiency monitoring, project management
Anders Sjöström (LUNARC)GPU computing
General programming
Technical acoustics
50LUNARCHelps users with MATLAB, General programming, Image processing, Usage of clusters
Biplab Sanyal (UPPMAX)Computational materials science50Uppsala UniversityInvolved in PRACE 2IP-WP7.
National support for softwares used in materials science.
Birgitte Brydsö (HPC2N)Parallel programming
Training, general support
Björn Claremar (UPPMAX)Meteorology, Geoscience100UPPMAXSupport for geosciences, Matlab
Björn Viklund (UPPMAX)Bioinformatics
100UPPMAXBioinformatics, containers, software installs at UPPMAX
Chandan Basu (NSC)Computational science100EU (75%), SNIC (25%)EU projects IS-ENES and PRACE.
Working on climate and weather codes
Daniel Spångberg (UPPMAX)SNAC-WG25Helps user with choice, installation, use, and writing of molecular simulation packages.
Diana Iusan (UPPMAX)Computational materials science
Performance tuning
50UPPMAX.Compilation, performance optimization, and best practice usage of electronic structure codes.
Elias Rudberg (UPPMAX)Algorithm and code development50Uppsala UniversityI give advice to users regarding programming, compiling, debugging, optimizing, and parallelizing their code.
Erik Fransson (C3SE)Computational materials science100Various modification and analysis tool development
Frank Bramkamp (NSC)Computational fluid dynamics100SNIC, SaabInstallation and support of computational fluid dynamics software.
Hamish Struthers (NSC)Climate research80SeRCUsers support focused on weather and climate codes.
Henric Zazzi (PDC)Bioinformatics100SNICBioinformatics Application support
Håkan Nilsson (C3SE)Computational fluid dynamics30SNICOrganize a PhD course in CFD with OpenSource Software OpenFOAM. Organize OpenFOAM user group meetings. OpenFOAM installations.
Jerry Eriksson (HPC2N)Parallel programming
HPC, Parallel programming
Joachim Hein (LUNARC)Parallel programming
Performance optimisation
85SNIC, PRACEHPC training
Parallel programming support
Performance optimisation
Joel Hedlund (NSC)Bioinformatics0
Johan HellsvikMaterialvetenskap30KTHmaterials theory, modeling of organic magnetic materials,
Johan Raber (NSC)Computational chemistry50SNIC
Jonas Lindemann (LUNARC)Grid computing
Desktop environments
20SNICCoordinating SNIC Emerging Technologies
Developer of ARC Job Submission Tool
Grid user documentation
Leading the development of ARC Storage UI
Lunarc Box
Lunarc HPC Desktop
Jonathan Vincent (PDC)Parallel programming100SNIC
Lars Eklund (UPPMAX)Chemistry
Data management
Sensitive data
100UPPMAXChemistry codes, databases at UPPMAX, sensitive data, PUBA agreements
Lars Viklund (HPC2N)General programming
HPC, General programming, installation of software, support, containers
Lilit Axner (PDC)Computational fluid dynamics50EU, SNIC
Luis Fazendeiro (C3SE)Parallel programming25SNIC/PRACEPlasma physics code development, PRACE application support
Marcus Lundberg (UPPMAX)Computational science
Parallel programming
Performance tuning
Sensitive data
100UPPMAXI help users with productivity, program performance, and parallelisation. I also work with allocations and with sensitive data questions
Martin Dahlö (UPPMAX)Bioinformatics10100% SciLifeLabBioinformatic support
Matias Piqueras (UPPMAX)Humanities, Social sciences70UPPMAXSupport for humanities and social sciences, machine learning
Mattias Ellert (UPPMAX)Grid computing25SNICDevelopment of ARC middleware.
Member of SGUSI.
Mattias Slabanja (C3SE)Computational materials science50SNICGetting started support
Various modification and analysis tool development
Michael Stenrup (UPPMAX)Computational chemistry25
Mikael Djurfeldt (PDC)Neuroinformatics100KTH
Mirko Myllykoski (HPC2N)Parallel programming
GPU computing
Parallel programming, HPC, GPU programming, advanced support
Nina Fischer (UPPMAX)Computational biology25
Olav Vahtras (PDC)Computational chemistry0
Oscar.granasComputational materials science50eSSENCEAlgorithms for computational material science
Implementation of new physical models.
Rewriting high performance codes for new architectures.
Pall Isolfur Olason (UPPMAX)Bioinformatics50Evolutionary Biology Centre (EBC), Uppsala UniversityHigh throughput sequencing analysis.
Pavlin Mitev (UPPMAX)Computational materials science100SNIC
Pedro Ojeda-May (HPC2N)Molecular dynamics
Machine learning
Quantum Chemistry
Training, HPC, Quantum Chemistry, Molecular dynamics, R, advanced support
Peter Kjellström (NSC)Computational science100SNIC, LiU, SMHI, METNO, SaabAll types of HPC Support.
Peter Larsson (PDC)Computational materials science20SeRC/SNICApplication support
Testing & Quality Assurance
Peter Münger (NSC)Computational science60SNIC, LiUInstallation and support of MATLAB, Comsol, and Julia.
Radovan Bast (PDC)Computational chemistry50SNICComputational chemistry
Rickard Armiento (NSC)Computational materials science40SNIC, LiU, SMHIMaintainer of the scientific software environment at NSC.
Samuel Lampa (UPPMAX)Bioinformatics50BILSGraphical HPC clients and other development projects
Sebastian DiLorenzo (UPPMAX)Bioinformatics50SNIC,SciLifeLabNational bioinformatic support, NGS tumor data
Soon-Heum Ko (NSC)Computational fluid dynamics100SNIC (30%) and PRACE (70%)PRACE European Project, SMHI HYPRE Parallelisation, SNIC Parallelisation Support
Szilard PallMolecular dynamics55KTHAlgorithms & methods for accelerating molecular dynamics, Parallelization and acceleration of molecular dynamics on modern high performance computing architectures, High performance computing, manycore and heterogeneous architectures, GPU computing
... further results