Exciting-code | | full-potential all-electron density-functional-theory (DFT) package based on the linearized augmented plane-wave (LAPW) method |
FASTA | | package for aligning nucleotide or amino acid sequences |
FASTX | | A collection of command line tools for Short-Reads FASTA/FASTQ files preprocessing. |
FEFF | | a real-space full multiple scattering (RSFMS) Green's function method |
FFTW | | Freely available high performance library to perform fast Fourier transformations |
FastQC | | Aims to provide a simple way to do some quality control checks on raw sequence data coming from high throughput sequencing pipelines. |
Fire | | commercial computational fluid dynamics package |
Fluent | | commercial computational fluid dynamics package |
FreeBayes | | Bayesian SNP and short indel caller from the Marth lab (who created Mosaik). |
GAMESS | | ab initio quantum chemistry |
GARLI | | Performs heuristic phylogenetic searches ... |
GATK | | Structured software library for writing analysis tools for next-generation sequencing data. |
GCTA | | A tool for Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis |
GENE | | plasma microturbulence code |
GNU compiler collection | | compiler collection for a number of languages including C, C++ and Fortran |
GPAW | | real-space DFT |
GROMACS | | versatile package for molecular dynamics |
Gaussian | | widely used quantum chemistry software |
Gnuplot | | portable command-line driven graphing utility |
Grace | | WYSIWYG tool to make two-dimensional plots of scientific data |
Greens | | electronic structure codes based on the KKRASA Green's function technique |
HMMER | | package for working with profile hidden Markov models (HMM) |
Hkl2map | | is a graphical user-interface for macromolecular phasing |
Inspector | | memory error and thread checker |
Intel MPI | | MPI library |
Intel compiler suite | | compilers for C, C++ and Fortran |
Jaguar | | ab initio quantum mechanics |
LAMMPS | | classical molecular dynamics code |
MKL | | efficient mathematics library |
MOLDEN | | display ab initio molecular densities |
MPQC | | ab initio quantum chemistry |
MSC Nastran | | Finite Element Analysis (FEA) solver |
MUSIC | | C++ library for interprocess communication in large scale neuronal network simulations |
MVAPICH2 | | MPI library |
Mafft | | multiple sequence alignment program |
Mathematica | | computational software for technical computing |
Matlab | | programming language with extensive plotting and graphics functionalities |
Meep | | finite-difference time-domain simulation software package |
Molsim | | software for molecular dynamic, Monte Carlo, and Brownian dynamics simulation |
MrBayes | | Bayesian estimation of phylogeny |
Muscle | | fast, high-quality multiple sequence alignment |
NAMD | | parallel molecular dynamics code |
NCAR diagnostic packages | | climate model diagnostics |
NCL | | analysis and visualization |
NCO | | data analysis |
NMRPipe | | NMR spectroscopy data analysis suite |
NorESM | | global climate model |
NumPy | | the fundamental package needed for scientific computing with Python |
Octave | | numerical computation and visualisation language |
Octopus | | time dependent density-functional theory code |