Property type: string
This property provides a "shortest possible" type of description, typically less than a short sentence, used for example to describe a piece of software, or a resource, or a method or anything else really.
It should be used as such:
<page name> is (a/an/the/...) [[description::as little text as possible]]. e.g: HMMER is a [[description::software package for working with profile hidden Markov models (HMM)]].
Note that neither "page title", nor "is a", nor the full stop character are part of the description, much like Debian package descriptions.
The intended benefit for using this property would be within dynamically generated tables, where it will typically appear as short "description" column.
Workshop on using the Schrödinger materials science suite with Quantum Espresso +
Scientific Visualisation Workshop +
Scientific Visualisation Workshop 2014 +
Scientific Visualisation Workshop 2014 +
Scientific Visualisation Workshop Autumn 2016 +
is a computer program based on Shake-and-Bake, a dual-space direct-methods procedure for determining crystal structures from X-ray diffraction data. +
An introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP +
An introduction to shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP +
Shared memory parallel programming using OpenMP +
is a set of programs for the determination of small (SM) and macromolecular (MM) crystal structures by single crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction. +
package for solving the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible channel and boundary layer flows +
A knowledgebase of user oriented information in Swedish academic high performance computing. +
Software Carpentry workshop +
Software Carpentry workshop +
Software Carpentry Workshop +
Software Carpentry Workshop in R +
application of computer science methods to solve continuum solid mechanics problems +