Intermediate Topics in MPI (June 2022)

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Name Intermediate Topics in MPI (June 2022)
Description Intermediate Topics in MPI
Type of event Workshop
Location Online, organised by ENCCS, PDC and HPC2N
Start date 2022-06-14
End date 2022-06-17


This workshop targets programmers in both academia and industry who already have experience with basic MPI and are ready to take the next step to more advanced usage. Topics which will be covered include communicators, groups, derived data types, one-sided communication, non-blocking collectives and hybrid MPI+threading approaches. Lectures will be interleaved with hands-on exercises. All exercises will be written in C, but the instructors will be able to answer questions about MPI in Fortran and Python.


Tuesday 2022-06-14 09:00 - Friday 2022-06-17 12:30

Course webpage and registration

For more information and registration, see Course webpage