Building CESM models on the PDC Beskow system
This page describes the building the CESM series of models on PDC's beskow system (beskow).
- The CESM models - Getting the source code
CESM is a free, open source model, but a short registeration is required before access to the subversion repository is granted. The source code, build and run scripts can be downloaded as described in the CESM1 user guide. To list the available model versions, after CESM registration (on triloith):
- Building and configuring the model
As, an example. to create a CESM1.2.2 version in some base folder <cesm-base>:
1. Change to the appropriate folder
cd <cesm-base>
2. Checkout version 1.2.2
svn co cesm1.2.2
3. Files containing beskow specific machine environment variables have been created and are stored in the folder /cfs/nobackup/x/xhamst/Public/cesm/cesm1.2.2. These files should be copied to the appropriate location in your local distribution. Based on the steps above:
Copy the files to <cesm-base>/cesm1.2.2/scripts/ccsm_utils/Machine.
cd <cesm-base>/cesm1.2.2/scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines
cp /cfs/nobackup/x/xhamst/Public/cesm/cesm1.2.2/* .
4. CESM1 can now be built in the usual way as described in the CESM1 users guide (see Creating and Setting Up A Case) using 'beskow' for the machine designation.
For example, to create a new 'f19_g16' resolution case using the 'B' compset:
cd <cesm-base>/cesm1.2.2/scripts/
./create_newcase -case ../cases/lbtest-f19_g16-B -res f19_g16 -compset B -mach beskow
5. Configure and build your model:
cd <cesm-base>/cesm1.2.2/cases/lbtest-f19_g16-B
6. Edit the env_run.xml and the $ files for the particular simulation you wish to make, then submit your job:
sbatch ./