Talk:Main Page

From SNIC Documentation
Revision as of 11:28, 28 March 2011 by Lka (talk | contribs) (Talk)
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This page is intended for informal discussions regarding topics on the main page, and uses the exact same text format. While we do not try to impose any kind of order or structure upon this page, please try to keep your additions constructive and readable. It is also recommended to start a new heading for every new topic. This page will be moderated from time to time, and topics of general interest may be moved to the main page.

Please click any of the Edit links to start talking!


Comments, suggestions and ideas are all welcome! (Torben Rasmussen (NSC) 12:08, 4 March 2011 (CET))

Jag skulle vilja editera huvudsidan, eftersom "UPPMAX" har stavats med en blandning av versaler och gemener. "UPPMAX" är en akronym, som skall stavas med endast versaler. Om jag inte tillåts editera, kanske någon annan kan vara snäll och göra det? Lennart Karlsson (UPPMAX)